Saturday, January 27, 2007

Week 4 - continued (Living The Life You Imagine)

What a blessed week! I have such wonderful friends and, in different ways, I was surrounded by so many of my angels with love and support. Sherry helped me see what I had forgotten was important. Lilyane helped me be honest with myself. Simone was Simone, unguarded and honest. Tonya and Laura really took on the question about living the life you've imagined. I wasn't able to answer it last week, but here's what I can say now. Living the life I imagine means being free to make choices that lead me to delight. It means following the threads of creativity, adventure, passion, beauty, fun, love and seeing where they lead me. It means holding on to my dreams as if they were precious babies, nurturing them and letting them grow, until they have a life of their own; accepting that kind of responsibility and with it, knowing the satisfaction that will come when my dreams are fully in the world. It means sharing my life with the wonderful people in it already and those yet to come.

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