Monday, January 22, 2007

Week 4 - Thoreau

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined.
-Henry David Thoreau

This week has been a tough one. Having to face realistically my job prospects has been tough. I'm a little at a loss right now and have not been feeling very inspired. Yesterday, I was browsing in Barnes and Noble and saw this Thoreau quote on a magnet and bought it because somehow it touched a little bit of my soul. I have yet to really think about the imperative - Live the life you've imagined - but I will this weekend. I'd love to hear what you have to say and I hope to put down a beautiful, inspired, lovely answer for myself.Question: What is the life you've imagined for yourself?


Penny said...

This is a comment from TONYA!

The life I've imagined is actually LIVES - more than one possible. And
I go from feeling like a spaz to a renaissance woman. So then I focus
on the gigantic picture and the little details all at once: how do I
like to feel, to not feel? What do I like to look at, not look at?
What feeds me, starves me? And then I sit and let the details of my
life filter down through those larger screens. More often than not I
find that many of the things I do are on target (the target being
an authentic life, uncovering my truths, recognizing bliss, and
acknowledging gifts). Those things that fall outside of my target
a sphere than a circle, really) I try to eliminate, redirect, or
transform. Now, to go back to the question: what is the life I've
imagined for myself? One that embraces others and expands rather than
pushes others away and shrinks. Whatever will allow me to do that is
okay. I see a restauranteur, a jewelry-maker, an interior designer...
but common to all is a flexibility in movement and schedule, giving
something to someone that they want or need, and (dare I say) a little
bit of control. (There, I said it!)
I wonder if this is what ancient mariners felt like: choppy seas or
calm, the constellations a welcome constant (even when covered by

You will see your constellation, and be guided to where you need to

Peace, Love, and Soul (I'm a little homesick for the 70s I think...
it'll pass soon)

Penny said...

I think this is why I value our friendship. There are some people I know who are so focused about their "calling" and I sometimes wish I was like that. It feels like life would be easier to just know, once and for all, this is what I want to do, but like you, I feel that there are so many things out there to explore, that one life doesn't seem like enough to get it all in.There doesn't seem to be a blueprint nowadays to call yourself a restauranteur/jewelry designer/interior decorator (and if you don't mind me adding) artist/sculptor/writer/salon proprietress/inn keeper/keeper of traditional healing.

Speaking of the 70's, maybe we were on same wavelength. I just put together a playlist of sexy soul/R & B 70's music(with a little 80's and one 90's song). It has me in a great mood!

rootsmama said...

I'm touched that you remember those other "me"s in there. You're Midas - whatever you touch will be fabulous!